I have problem syncing my OneDrive files to my desktop
If there's an error flag on the OneDrive icon, click the icon and click View Report to see the errors. Most errors have to do with characters that are not allowed in file names or file types that are not allowed. You can click the magnifying glass icon to go directly to the problematic file and fix the issue. Below is a list of common errors and solutions:
- Characters not allowed
\ / : * ? " < > | # %
- Solution: Rename the files to remove these characters from the file name.
- Files or folders in OneDrive cannot begin or end with a space, end with a period, or begin with two periods.
- Solution: Rename the files, removing spaces at beginning or end, periods on the end or more than one period in the beginning.
- Any single file cannot be larger than 10GB.
- If the file size is close to 10GB, try zipping the file to compress it and reduce its size
If the issue is not resolved by following the common solutions above, please read the instructions in these two documents: